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Don't build another site until you have checked out what Groove.cm offers to Professional Web Designers

Groove.cm Your Solution

When I saw all that was included in the Groove.cm platform I was blown away. Save yourself a shed load of monthly fees by opting for the lifetime membership package at a fraction of what you might expect.

I Love Groove.cm So Much That I Created This Website, And A Bonus If You Buy It Through My Partner Link Below

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The Groove LIFETIME Membership deal

ends at midnight 31st August !









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Groove.cm for Professional Website Builders

As a professional website builder you will know that in order to build a robust online presence for your company or your client you need a mosaic of pieces that work together to form a powerful integrated online presence that converts at the highest level. In the past you have had to assess multiple providers, apps and platforms to patchwork together what you consider is the best solution for your business. But you will have found there are always compromises. A software update in one place can disable functionality and cost hours in time and money to fix and get your system back into equilibrium.

Just picking a professional website builder on its own is simply not enough. Integration is the key and Groove.cm are on their way to creating the joined-up CRM platform that marketers have been dreaming about for years. It will take your integrated sales system and Customer Relationship Management for online businesses to a whole new level. The whole platform is designed to create the functionality and integration that you need to run a successful online enterprise.

Just look at the list of functionality already provided by Groove.cm, and new functionality is being added all the time. Awesome, right?

Groove offers Integrated Features like no other platform

Groove is launching new features all the time. The asterisked Apps above are in late development and are launching soon. Groove.cm Lifetime Membership gives unlimited access to all these Apps for life. Groove's development team are open to software suggestions and are working tirelessly to develop THE BEST integrated system on the internet.

Professional Funnel builders are transferring their funnels across to Groove because they can see inbuilt power of the integrated platform. Professional users who are using Clickfunnels, SamCart, TapAffiliate, ActiveCampaign, Kajabi, Shopify, Zapier, Provely, Wix, ModX, Druple, and Wordpress are switching to Groove.

Here's My Groove for Professional Overview

If you had had the opportunity to get involved with Microsoft in its early days, where would you be now?

Sales Funnels that Work

Let us take Sales Funnels as an example. We are all now in a web driven world. People are used to looking things up all the time, for solutions and to buy products. So to meet the customers you have to get in front of them, and demonstrate how offer solves their problem. For this Sales Funnels have proved to be a far more effective way to do this than a website. 

Groovefunnels vs Clickfunnels

From Google Trends it is clear that the market leader for sales funnels has been ClickFunnels. Although declining, ClickFunnels still has a strong lead over the competition, and that is despite the fact that GetResponse has had the advantage of including an email marketing system. However, both now face strong competition from the new cheaper alternative GrooveFunnels.

Committed ClickFunnel users are switching their funnels across to GrooveFunnels at an amazing rate because they can see the benefits of increased page loading speed, and comprehensive integrations that ClickFunnels simply does not offer.

Clickfunnels (blue) interest declining

So is that the end of Company Websites?

No. The comp[any or corporate website is for branding and reinforcing your credibility with your customers. This is still very important to your customers. In addition to your salesfunnels and your brand website you would also build out other digital assets including: online shop, blog pages, videos, social media etc. And guess what? Groove.cm has all these apps included within its platform so that you can interlink them easily.

What are the key criteria for the best Website Builder Platforms?

  • Google Search Optimised - get to the top of searches

  • Speed of loading pages

  • Web optimised pictures

  • Integral video host

  • Ease of App integrations

  • Optimised Dynamic Scaling across all devices

  • Pages optimised for Mobile phones

  • Website security

  • Hosting on a Cloud server

  • Library of customizable templatesd, blocks, wireframes, functionality

  • Price

  • Agency management capability - administrator access levels

  • Key criteria for the professional website builder are: Performance, price, user friendliness, reliability, versatility, and support.

    Groove.cm know this and major on these areas to make your life as straightforward as possible.

  • Take a look at the pages that Groove Designers have created

    Design sites... that rock.

    Here's My Groove for Professionals Overview Conclusion

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer ornare sem in lectus posuere, feugiat vulputate nunc blandit. Fusce pulvinar, ipsum vel vehicula convallis, ipsum neque cursus sem, sit amet pharetra magna lectus sit amet ex. Nam euismod lorem ut ullamcorper tristique. Vestibulum sollicitudin vestibulum congue. Praesent turpis eros, pretium in libero nec, tincidunt facilisis magna. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Nunc volutpat ipsum eget viverra iaculis. Duis pretium congue elit, quis porttitor ex consectetur laoreet. Aenean cursus facilisis libero, quis egestas sapien facilisis vitae. Proin dapibus faucibus orci, ut porttitor metus auctor id. Nunc sed lectus sed turpis iaculis fringilla.

    Vestibulum nec tincidunt orci. Nulla lectus dui, hendrerit at nibh non, semper vestibulum orci. Vestibulum dignissim dui eu urna posuere varius. Suspendisse lacinia tincidunt eros vel molestie. Integer eu consectetur lectus, sit amet bibendum dui. Integer pellentesque mi eu justo imperdiet, nec ullamcorper nibh vulputate. Aenean a aliquam diam. Cras vitae rhoncus enim. Nullam luctus rhoncus tempor.

    Do You Want a Sneak Preview???

    Below is a video where Mike Filsaime offers an introductory training on how the site builder works. Showing you the inside of the site builder. The system power of this platform sits behind the scenes. The message power lies in YOUR hands.

    What other Groove.cm users are saying

    "This brand new software is by far the best website and funnel building platform on the market and will save me over $600+ per month bringing everything under one roof. I have been building funnels for about 10 years now and used all the other platforms on the market and this is wiping the floor with them all even in Beta. The future's bright, the future is Groove.” Robert Murray

    "I'm making the switch from Shopify to GrooveKart™ and I couldn't be happier. I am saving money and converting better. Great Job!"

    Frank Salinas - ecommerce Educator and Marketer

    "I searched far and wide for an ecommerce platform that was powerful yet affordable. Nothing compared to GrooveKart™"

    Brad Costanzo - Founder, CEO — Bacon Wrapped Business

    "When my clients ask me for an ecommerce shopping cart solution I will be sending them to GrooveKart™. It has so many brilliant marketing tools built in that none of the other cart solutions even offer... and if they do offer them, you get charged to death with monthly add-on fee's. I love that GrooveKart™ was built by marketers, for marketers."

    Rob Burns - Founder, CEO - VideoTelepathy.com

    Here's My Exclusive Bonus

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer ornare sem in lectus posuere, feugiat vulputate nunc blandit. Fusce pulvinar, ipsum vel vehicula convallis, ipsum neque cursus sem, sit amet pharetra magna lectus sit amet ex. Nam euismod lorem ut ullamcorper tristique. Vestibulum sollicitudin vestibulum congue. Praesent turpis eros, pretium in libero nec, tincidunt facilisis magna. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Nunc volutpat ipsum eget viverra iaculis. Duis pretium congue elit, quis porttitor ex consectetur laoreet. Aenean cursus facilisis libero, quis egestas sapien facilisis vitae. Proin dapibus faucibus orci, ut porttitor metus auctor id. Nunc sed lectus sed turpis iaculis fringilla.

    Vestibulum nec tincidunt orci. Nulla lectus dui, hendrerit at nibh non, semper vestibulum orci. Vestibulum dignissim dui eu urna posuere varius. Suspendisse lacinia tincidunt eros vel molestie. Integer eu consectetur lectus, sit amet bibendum dui. Integer pellentesque mi eu justo imperdiet, nec ullamcorper nibh vulputate. Aenean a aliquam diam. Cras vitae rhoncus enim. Nullam luctus rhoncus tempor.

    How To Claim:

    1. Purchase GROOVE.CM Lifetime Access Membership Through My Partner Link


    NOTE: You must purchase from my partner link to be eligible for my Groove.cm Bonus. If you purchase through another website, you will not qualify.

    2. Email Me With Proof Of Purchase

    After your purchase, send me a copy of your receipt as proof of your purchase at [email protected]

    3. Get Your Bonus!!!

    I will reply to your email within 24-48 hours with your bonus!

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